Sunday, March 22, 2009

Tips on Maximizing various business blog

. Sunday, March 22, 2009
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Have you get paid first out of the business is run through the blog? I am sure if the blog managed correctly and quickly we will get paid first out of a business blog, can be in adsense, affiliate or paid review that we have been doing.
For the beginner blogger world that have a low PageRank, such as my blog this income may first be obtained from adsense business, because to be able to register and install the ads in adsense blog is easy and does not need a high PageRank as a paid review.

My personal opinion in terms of maximizing revenue in adsense is as follows:
The most major is to bring visitors to see and read our blog, in this case can be done various ways, can visit the blog with other people and leave the impression (to give a comment or Shoutbox ) or maximize the SEO.
then, to increase adsense earnings, there is no one we invite friends of other Bloggers to participate in the adsense sign up that we follow. refferall with increased revenue, we also increased.
of not less importance is placed with the adsense ads right so easily seen and clicked by a visitor. in this case is the most successfully put adsense between post.

Meanwhile, to maximize your affiliate income in the things that I do is: 1) With a tutorial article on how to register and gain revenue from the affiliate. That way people will feel attracted to and follow and become your refferal .2) Place the banner in the sidebar on the affiliate that you follow.

While paid to review the important things that is to improve the ranking of our blog, be it in alexa, Technorati, and of course the Google PageRank. Usually the broker paid review requires bloggers have alexa ranking of less than 1,000,000 and Google rank above 0. Alexa rank if you are still over 1 million do not expect to get a paid job review.

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How to install adsense ads between articles

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One way to maximize your adsense income adsense is placed in between posting. By placing the ads among the posting, the visitor will be interested to know about it, and do click on the ad. For the bloggers who have not signed up for Adsense in Indonesian please click here to sign up, you are ready with your ad, the following steps to place your ads between articles

The first condition for doing tricks this article you must be already installed "Readmore" first.

First, prepare the script of your ad, try to identify and remove the border post with the background so that you do not look so comfortable contrast eye views. then log in to your blog and go to "Edit entry" and select the articles that will be inserted adsense.

Then in the last line deleted any posts "span" and place the first line of your script before any posts ad "span" as in the example image below:

next steps to stay "publish entry" and see the results.

very easy?

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How to Make and Install the Badge Facebook in Blogger

1 komentar

Let join the FaceBook (FB).., that is the challenge a friend in me the first time I know FB. After the register was also cool. If compared with Friendster FB was more cool, is one of the benefits can chat and make Badge to install on the blog if you want to register,you can click here. Well if the list is a new badge can be created and placed on the blog. Now it is the steps:

the first step, please login in facebook, then click on the menu on the profile.


and then upload an image that would be displayed on the badge. What are the up-load, see under the left have any texts "created a profile badge" and click it.

The next step click "Create Image" to start creating Badge.


Next image will appear as below:

Please set your own view that you want. What looks lengthwise (horizontal) or down lengthwise (vertical), select the format in javascript. And specify what information will be displayed in the badge, there are many there. The last step to stay in the "save" and copy html code and paste it-right on your blog. Please see the results ... If unsatisfactory please make more. Hopefully useful ..

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How to activate Paypal using MasterCard from Payoneer

1 komentar

I was initially in doubt whether the MasterCard that I've created 25 days ago, will actually be sent or not. But on this day, February 25th 2009 I doubt lost. Finally there came a squire's house to my Mastercard. And I have relieved Mastercard for Paypal verification. Are there any that will follow me? Please try, FREE ... 
The steps are: 

1. please click here to register 
2. If you are in the click, the image will appear as below, then click "JOIN NOW" 

3. Then fill in the data itself on the image you like below: 

4. if all are filled click the "Click here and have fun", check the verification email and open the email message from friendfinder the contents of your activation. And then, please click "Activate Now" in your email and follow the instructions next. 

The next step for a MasterCard, please follow the affiliate program: 

1. click here to join affiliate. 

2. If you are, then select "Affiliate" in the menu on the right. then select the first option as shown below select "Affiliate Sign Up": 

3. Then fill in the data you want to correct: 
Preferred Program: Select a number 1 
First Name: 
Last Name: 
URL: Website / your blog, 
Desired password: Password I want you 
Preferred Newsletter Language: select language 
Email Address: Enter your email 
Secondary Email Address: Email you the other, may also cleared 
Checks payable to: your full name 
Street Address: Your Address 
City: City where you live 
State / Province: Province where you live 
Country: Your Country 
ZIP / Postal Code: Zip your town 
What is your business tax Classification? 
Tax ID or Social Security Number: 
Phone Number: No telp you, 
Which Instant Messenger do you use? 
Use ePassporte: Select only No 
Please give us your comments: Make your comments such as: Heloo. I like it. Thank You, 
After the "click Click Here for the Last Step" 
Then click the small box you have any posts 
"Yes, I have read and accepted the Affiliate Agreement ..." 
Then click Submit. 

Then click Account Information 

I then click on any text on the blue "Here is your account information. Click here to update your information." 

click Payoneer: Signup to be paid by Prepaid MasterCard ®. You will be directed to FriendFinder a page hosted by Payoneer, where you can sign up for a card. 

then fill the data in your Payoneer, the contents of your wait approximately 25 to 30 days until your card in your home, after your debit card activation ago to follow the instructions in the letter was sent with your card. Do not forget your username (email that you use in payoneer) and the activation password for your MasterCard. 
 only FrindFinder a member you can be a debit card from payoneer, 
Look at your email again, there you will be given a username and password for the affiliate. Login as a member as affiliate login dg is different.

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Friday, March 13, 2009

Get your Earnings in Ziddu

. Friday, March 13, 2009
0 komentar

Have heard of free space on the internet? is one of them, in ziddu files or data that we have in store and if downloaded by other people we will get a Dollar, really fun, we only store data when the file downloading and other people we get paid ... Not bad ... hehehe Simply practiced ...

Click here to register. Can select the language first, then click the "REGISTER". then fill the data needed, fill the right email of the later to confirm.

If the register process is complete, upload your file as much as possible to promote and downloaded by other people. Dollar will stay waiting for you grow. If you have a lot to prepare the PayPal to take money.

For information on the menu "My Earning" is to see your earnings, "My Files" is the link to view the file already in the upload. And do not forget to add other information including information in your paypal in menu"My account".

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Link Exchange

17 komentar

I invite every visitor in this blog to link exchange. Please attach a link my blog first and then let me know through comments.
Put this code to your blog:
< a href="" > Business Blog <a/>

I will add your blog to the list below:

[- Ravatar.Com -]
[- Sang Milyarder -]
[- OctavianoPratama -]
[- Musik Lesehan -]
[-Learn More Knowledge Here!-]
[-Nusa's Blog-]
[-blog the riza de kasela-]
[- Attayaya -]
[- Angga -]
[- Ardisonic -]
[- aYaNG -]
[- sehat68 -]
[- Celoteh NinA -]
[- Cheuw -]
[-Damaniks -]
[-Gopanx -]
[-akbarprivate -]
[-download software pc -]

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Thursday, March 12, 2009

How to save a banner, icon and image in geocities

. Thursday, March 12, 2009
0 komentar

Do you have a Banner, Favicon, or other image file you want displayed in the blog? for that is still common, this time geocities.
Main requirements that must be owned in order to obtain this facility is that you must have your account / email in yahoo. What are the requirements before you have, do the following upload:

The first step in open

Then click "sign in" and enter the username and your Yahoo password.

Next on the menu click on "Manage"

To upload your files, please click the "Easy Upload" is like the picture below

then click "Choose" and find the location of the file you want to upload on your hard drive. You can upload multiple files at once in one upload. What is it you select the file click "Upload Files". If one already uploaded, to view your files, click the "file manager"

Then to see the URL address of the file you click "view" on the file you want, then your browser will display an image / banner you.

URL of your file in the Address Bar as shown in the above picture.

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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Make the visitor statistics with histats

. Tuesday, March 10, 2009
4 komentar

Hallo beginner blogger, what visitors do you have? hopefully to do it. In this post I will review how to install visitor statistics that are quite a lot by bloggers, it looks like the example image below:

In this view statistics visitors to your total load, the visitor today, the total pageview, pageview this day and the number of visitors online.
for registration in histats please click here .

fill your blog URL address and the language used, and then click "register"

Then fill in your data in the form provided.

after filled in all, do not forget to check any posts "I agree ...." then click "continue".

Then check your email i click the blue link for verification.

then we will be taken to histats page, please log in if required.

To create widgets Stats menu click "counters" in the menu above. After that you select the display counters, no animation, the 1 line, 2 lines 3 lines and 4 lines. Choose according to your taste.

then click on the counters that you want, then you will be provided in your HTML code. please copy the code on the page and paste it on your blog sidebar.
Easy? Stats by adding this blog then you will look more interesting. Happy trying ...

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How to Install the Questbook in blog

0 komentar

At the time this post I will try to provide easy way to install the guest book on the blog. Because the presence of this guest book will be able to give a different impression and blogs become more alive and useful to exchange informai fellow bloggers.
As the steps are as follows:
First please open, then select CREATE YOUR Shoutbox NOW.

Then fill in the data available in the box, and remember the username and password that you enter and do not forget to check on "I have read and agree ... " and click "Continue"

Then select the type Shoutbox we want and then click "continue"

Well, after that, please adjust the verification code and click "goto control panel now" like the picture below.

"Quick start" under any post have "Get Codes", click on any posts that.

Shoutbox fill the next size we want in accordance with our blog, if we do not know the default size leave it because we can edit it later.

then copy all the code in the box "Generated codes" that will tide us into our blog.

then enter and sign in to our blog and enter to layout / layout to add the Shoutbox.

Then click on "Add a Gadget 'and find the" HTML / Javascript "and pastekan code we copy that has been there before.

After that settingan store and see the results. What size is less fit, edit the html code and adjust the size, approximately the width size to adjust the size and height to width size long.

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How to Create Blog in Blogger

0 komentar

At first blog is a place to vent off steam or foreverglo and share information. Poured in a variety of information or papers that can enjoyed by everyone. Long run so many users and it finally blog traffic booming with visitors compact. This is in part utilized by various bloggers as a means of business. 
There are several reasons why choosing a blog as mentioned above, is the fundamental reason blogger does not need to grope for pocket use.  To Use so simple and easy learned. To beautify the blog page  given us freedom, then of course the reason is strong enough to start creating a blog our blog is a long-term assets that generate. Of course, what in the "treated" correctly. 
Main requirements that must be owned in the making is a blog on Blogger E-mail in gmail. If you have not please register first at gmail. If you already have, let us begin to build a blog in blogger. 

The first step prior to the entry page 

But generally the view is like this next to the picture, then click on any posts "create your blog now"

So, the next screen is like the image below:


Fill in all the form, your username and password in Gmail, "Display name" is the name that will appear later. If you have filled all the checklist do not forget any posts on the front of the box "I accept ...." Then click the arrow labeled "continue" 

Then select the view that in accordance with your wishes, select one, later this view we can change with a more suitable. 

The next step is to start with your first posting articles. as in the picture below. 

give the title posting on the "title" and describe your article in the box underneath. There also we can edit as well as on microsoft word, we can make the underlining, bold print, the settings and add a picture or video. when we have finished directly click "publish entry" if you want to save or just click "save as draft”

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Build More Business with Your Blog

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Build a business with limited capital? may be highly unlikely, but now the world where this information so quickly crush through the internet does not seem possible before time is now to be possible. Of course, with perseverance and a little capital which is already on us. Namely the computer and internet connection. If that is we have already let us stand together to build a business through a blog. 
Here I will try to help colleagues who are beginners to build a blog that we will be able to make the media business. 

Why is my blog for have made the media because it is easy to blog and have it FREE. to have a blog we just have one account in gmail. if it is done,prepare an article we will post on the blog. Keep always in this blog sharing because next step is to build a blog in detail on the investigation will be here, and the trick tip how to blog so that we have visited many people and visitors.

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Sunday, March 8, 2009

Privacy Policy for

. Sunday, March 8, 2009
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Privacy Policy for

If you require any more information or have any questions about our privacy policy, please feel free to contact us by email at

At, the privacy of our visitors is of extreme importance to us. This privacy policy document outlines the types of personal information is received and collected by and how it is used.

Log Files
Like many other Web sites, makes use of log files. The information inside the log files includes internet protocol ( IP ) addresses, type of browser, Internet Service Provider ( ISP ), date/time stamp, referring/exit pages, and number of clicks to analyze trends, administer the site, track user’s movement around the site, and gather demographic information. IP addresses, and other such information are not linked to any information that is personally identifiable.

Cookies and Web Beacons does use cookies to store information about visitors preferences, record user-specific information on which pages the user access or visit, customize Web page content based on visitors browser type or other information that the visitor sends via their browser.

DoubleClick DART Cookie
.:: Google, as a third party vendor, uses cookies to serve ads on
.:: Google's use of the DART cookie enables it to serve ads to users based on their visit to and other sites on the Internet.
.:: Users may opt out of the use of the DART cookie by visiting the Google ad and content network privacy policy at the following URL -

Some of our advertising partners may use cookies and web beacons on our site. Our advertising partners include ....
Google Adsense

These third-party ad servers or ad networks use technology to the advertisements and links that appear on send directly to your browsers. They automatically receive your IP address when this occurs. Other technologies ( such as cookies, JavaScript, or Web Beacons ) may also be used by the third-party ad networks to measure the effectiveness of their advertisements and / or to personalize the advertising content that you see. has no access to or control over these cookies that are used by third-party advertisers.

You should consult the respective privacy policies of these third-party ad servers for more detailed information on their practices as well as for instructions about how to opt-out of certain practices.'s privacy policy does not apply to, and we cannot control the activities of, such other advertisers or web sites.

If you wish to disable cookies, you may do so through your individual browser options. More detailed information about cookie management with specific web browsers can be found at the browsers' respective websites.

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