Thursday, June 25, 2009

Resolve the warning status in the sitemap in google webmasters

. Thursday, June 25, 2009
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Do you always open a blog on the condition of google webmasters? There may be a good time once you see it. May register at the beginning of your blog to webmasters do not have any problem or warning, as well as at the time you enter your sitemap. Several days ago, I was busy with a warning status on each sitemap my blog, I tried to find in google search but did not work out, Changing the type of sitemap atom.xml to rss.xml no success as well. The note on the status is "invalid XML tag" then there are details on the error on its author.

In fact the error is in the author tag. After I add the author tag in my template, the warning was eventually resolved, and I get additional knowledge of the author must add tags on the blog template. To sintax is a meta tag like this:

<meta content='nama owner blog' name='author'/>,

Please change the name of the blog with your name and place the code on the tag below <head> or under the verification code you google webmasters.
Hopefully this article can help you have a blogger friend of the same problem with my nature.

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Sign up and waiting job of reviews on the job paid Blogsvertise

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Have you get the job paid reviews of the program that you follow? you can register on blogsvertise also for an additional job reviews. Unlike the buyblogreviews which require us to do BID to get the job reviews, in Blogvertise our job is only waiting to come to your account with us through email notification. So to get a job from Blogsvertise depends on the munificence of the admin Blogsvertise, So we do not need to fuss BID. The average size of the charge for one reviews more than $ 5. Interested to register? continue reading this article.

To register please click to open any posts with it. then fill out the form provided with the right. Follow the process through to the verification email. If you are already registered, please login to Blogsvertise. Here is the main menu is in blogsvertise:


Click on "Submit Blog" to add a blog, and then fill in the data your blog.


If all is correct click "Submit". your blog will be analyzed by Blogsvertise the feasibility of the program for them. This requires approximately 3 days, and you will find information about this through email. If your blog is approved, then be prepared to do the reviews. Here is an example of the reviews given on one of my blog blog.


if the email you get an email like the above, please make your reviews and click "Accept task and submit for approval" to confirm that you are working on the reviews given. if you do not want to click "Decline blog ad offer" to reject. Do not immediately confirmed until more than 5 days, if you do this your blog will be possible in the freeze because it's low in response.
Thus a little about Blogsvertise hopefully useful.

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Friday, June 19, 2009

What is the SEO contest?

. Friday, June 19, 2009
2 komentar

What is the SEO contest? Frequently Asked that question by several blogger friends who are still beginners through facebook. Questions that become inspiration to write this article I hope to help friends who are still newbies to the world of blogs. SEO (Search Engine Optimation) if we refer to the language is how to optimize search engine so that what we write is indexed even become the first in the search.

So if the overall meaning of the SEO contest is a race to be the no.1 in search engines (usually Google) with the word (keyword) specific. Now measure the ability to follow the SEO contest if there is, the more excited at this SEO contest is the Rusli Zainal Sang Visoner held by, anything has done in order to become the no.1, and easy that if successful this will make my article on this blog. Pray I do ..: d Support me in the contest Rusli Zainal Sang Visioner.

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Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Rusli Zainal Sang Visioner

. Wednesday, June 17, 2009
1 komentar

Rusli Zainal Sang Visioner is the title of contest, the first that I follow, I first information from blogger friends, Following the contest of Rusli Zainal Sang Visioner is learning to know as far in my ability to write seo contest. Following the contest of Rusli Zainal Sang Visioner is also a distraction after a long job does not get paid reviews. Hopefully with this contest, the more my inspiration to write the things which are useful for me personally and for the benefit of others. Friends of bloggers who have blogs are also following the contest of Rusli Zainal Sang Visioner, other than as a means to study, may be we can get much money, anyone suspected? Companions for bloggers who want to know more information about the contest of Rusli Zainal Sang Visioner please visit

Mr. Rusli Zainal is the no.1 in Riau, at this time, he served as Governor of Riau. Many things have been done by him so that the name of Rusli Zainal Sang Visioner is a very appropriate nickname for him. Hopefully young people imitate what has been done by Mr. Rusli Zainal Sang Visioner, so that a rapid progress in every area in Indonesia.
Thus a litle about Mr. Rusli Zainal Sang Visioner, Hopefully what you have done to become a precedent for the young generation in Jakarta and other regions.

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Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Step by step through building a business blog

. Tuesday, June 16, 2009
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You already have a blog? but it still confused the next step? If your goal is to create a business blog, then you simply do not have a blog and you will get the revenue there, but need to manage the persistence in the blog so that blogs can provide income. ago what to do after creating a blog? I tried to summarize the stages in building the business through a blog in the hope that friends can be useful for bloggers who are beginners, I also very much hope that friends who have experienced bloggers can add or correct if there is a blunder.

If the blog has been created, make your blog interesting with a default template to change a new template with a more friendly towards visitors. Friendly towards visitors means no unsightly blog because too many banners that blink, Not Football gadget show with over a not too useful for the progress of the blog. That is not less important is the attempt to post articles that were useful to the visitor and does not deviate from the theme blog description, this is an effort to attract the attention of Google to rank them.

increase blog visitors from search engines or manual. how to increase visitor is blogwalking do that is by visiting the blog and leave comments or post in the Shoutbox (guest book) that is provided. Give a positive comment or just a introduction so that you will get a visit request.
To get visitors from search engines you need to do is register blog to search engines and register in the webmasters tool each search engine. In addition, you can register on Bookmarking blog, this is very important because in addition get blog visitors you will get a backlink useful to improve the ranking.

Improve blog ranking, the decline is often used as a measure to see the blog fame is alexa, Google and Technorati ranking. To Obtain a ranking of the three elements of this step you can do them is to exchange links with another blogger friend, always commented on the blog Dofollow, always ping to some search engines after a update the article, to do you can use the ping service free from, Another way to improve your search ranking on search engines.

Choose business to your blog, there are some business that you can select or you can place at once in your blog. If your blog does not yet have sufficient rank, you can follow the business adsense or affiliate placed on the blog. If the ranking of a blog already qualified you can register your blog to take a paid reviews business , business to sell banner space or text link. For businesses that will meet you in this blog, to keep it together this blog.

Thus I hope this brief review can help friends who are still a beginner blogger who wants to do business blog, while you may be waiting for the ranking of business you can try online, which only requires capital and capital just click, see tutorial in the online business.

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Monday, June 8, 2009

Sell Link Trough Ask2link

. Monday, June 8, 2009
1 komentar

To increase income in the pocket of dollars, we can sell / rent a little space in the sidebar, header or footer on our blog. To use the services that can use the forum or broker service. For this time I want to share a little about how to sell blog's space through ask2link. Ask2link site is a dealer which connect between publiser (blogger) with the advertiser. So we are not busy looking for the advertiser want to place a link on our blog. That we do is install the script code in the sidebar. Then if we provide is in demand then there will automatically links there. The main requirement for the program should have a blog is a PR (PageRanking) 2 from google. If you do not have rank, you do not upset because you can also sell Link through LinkShowOff. If PR is eligible please follow the instructions below.

The first step, please click on this word Ask2Link and click "Sign Up". Then fill in the data as requested in the fields below,

Sell link through As2Link

the most important, the contents of "You Are" with Publiser. If you are filled click "Sign me up." If there is verification via email please check your email and click the verification link provided, then log in again to ask2link to add a blog.
In the menu "Sell text links" on the "summary" search for any posts to the left "Click here to add more sites" then click on the word as image below.

Sell link through As2Link

Then fill with the correct criteria of your blog, to the description in order to use the English language easily understood by later advertiser.

Sell link through As2Link

If you have filled all please click the "add site", the next step is to enter the code in the blog sidebar. click "Install ad code" on the blog that we just listed, such as in the picture below.

Sell link through As2Link

Then please login to blogger to "page element" and "add a gadget" and select "Feed" and then fill with the code provided in the "Type in" and save it.

Sell link through As2Link

If it is saved and then click "I have installed ad code in my website" and then see your blog there is a place to link with the title of "Related Website"
Happy trying ...

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Thursday, June 4, 2009

How to get more dollars in buyblogreviews

. Thursday, June 4, 2009
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Have a blog that has a maximum of 1000000 alexa ranking? terms that's enough to get a dollar in buyblogreviews, let's join to add revenue join our blog. How easy, for those who want to direct the list please click on the banner in addition, if still confused, please read the tutorial below:
For the registration process please click here, and then continue with the "Free Sign-up" like the image below:

Registration in buyblogreviews

next, fill in your personal data ourselves as complete as possible as the form below:

Registration in buyblogreviews

If you have filled all click "Register" and then see your email and search email from buyblogreiews, then click the verification link provided. That means you have successfully registered. The next step, as a member Login buyblogreviews in and add your blog. If you are already logged in click on "Manage Blogs" menu at the top.

Registration in buyblogreviews

Then click "Add new blog", and type your blog URL, please wait for approval from the email buyblogreviews approximately 1x24 hours. Because before you blog on approval we can not order paid reviews.
If approved, login and please click the "Find Opportunities" and search order there and we can order more than one here.

Registration in buyblogreviews

If you already have a suitable, click on the desired order and see the criteria desired by the advertiser, if roughly match your blog, please click the "Bid Nows" and check that you use the blog, enter your bid in there and click the "Place Bid" . Wait until the next live your bid is accepted. To view click on "My Home" and see in the "Bid (s) Won."
Easy?try it ...

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Monday, June 1, 2009

Buyblogreviews really pay

. Monday, June 1, 2009
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At the time this article I just want to sharing the friendly blogger that the paid reviews program propagandist buyblogreviews actually pay. In mid March 2009 a bid yesterday that I offer on the advertiser in buyblogreviews received. And I complete a given job. Rely on the sophistication of the google translator -review was completed and I make a confirmation on buyblgreviews by sending the URL of the reviews that I make. and my review was approved. the balance in buyblogreviews increase revenue and become the first in buyblogreviews. After several days precisely on 1 April 2009 I got an email from paypal that I get a shipment of dollars buyblogreviews. Here is screenshotnya:

first pay missionary buyblogreviws
Although the first payment I receive is very small but is a proof that buyblogreviews actually pay for any of the little we get. First job when I get this blog there is still the name of the domain as a stick to blogspot. Hopefully the future of this blog after changing job growing domain. colleagues for bloggers who want to register, please read the article about paid reviews in buyblogreviews.

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